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In compliance with the duty of information contained in article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce,
Address: Vivero industrial Príncipe Felipe Nave – 2 Avenida de Elche 157 03008 Alicante, Spain.
Phone: +34 606 655 862
Email: info@thegravitywave.com
Intellectual and industrial property
All rights of Industrial and Intellectual Property of all elements contained in this website, including trademarks, formats, graphic designs, texts, images and documents, belong to GRAVITY WAVE, S.L. and are protected by Spanish and international laws on Intellectual and Industrial property. It is expressly forbidden the total or partial reproduction of this website and any of its contents without express permission in writing.
Access to the website does not imply any type of waiver, transmission, license or assignment of quoted rights.
Links to other websites
The links you can find on this website are a service to users. These pages are not operated or controlled by GRAVITY WAVE, S.L, therefore, we are not responsible for the contents of these Websites or are covered by this Legal Notice. If you access these websites, you should take into account that their privacy policies may be different from ours.
The link to GRAVITY WAVE, S.L website is not allowed without prior authorization.
Applicable legislation and jurisdictional competence
This Legal Notice is governed by current Spanish regulations that apply to it.
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